
Microscopic #1

Created by New Pain Productions

From the pages of Heavy Metal magazine comes MICROSCOPIC #1, a 32-page sci-fi adventure by Keith Champagne and Raffaele Forte.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Surveys are coming your way!
almost 2 years ago – Tue, May 31, 2022 at 11:16:31 PM


Hope everyone had a nice holiday weekend! I know I'm a little slow getting out of the gate work-wise this morning as I shake off the relaxation. 

This update is to alert 10% of you that you'll be receiving your surveys for Microscopic #1 through Backerkit later this afternoon, in what BK calls its "SMOKE TEST."  This is how they make sure the surveys are humming along smoothly, no hiccups, no hitches.  Once everything is deemed to be in proper working order, the rest of you will get your surveys, probably in about 24-36 hours but we'd imagine closer to 24. 

All the files have been finalized so once the surveys are back in, we can give the printer our total order and get these books printed and shipped out to you ASAP. 

So keep an eye out, if you'd be so kind, and return your surveys to us promptly.  And while I have your attention, here's another sneak peek at DAYBREAK! #2, this time Stefan Tosheff's cover for the second issue. I think. I mean, it should be. Last time around, Stefan did a second cover that he liked better than his first so let's not set it in stone until the stone has set.

The cover to #2... we think!

That's all for now, folks. Back with more soon as things heat up like a beautiful summer day around the New Pain compound and Microscopic #1 gets fulfilled.

Your pal,

Keith Champagne

The next step begins!
almost 2 years ago – Mon, May 30, 2022 at 01:53:30 PM


New Pain received a notification from Kickstarter that funds are being transferred, so we can officially kick this campaign into its next phase!

First off, the pre-order store is now OPEN if there was something you missed from the campaign and still wanted to add it. Here's the address:  PREORDERS HERE! 

You'll also have the chance to include add-ons during the survey stage but feel free to let your friends now they can still get in on this micro-goodness.

Speaking of surveys...

Keep an eye out for those early next week, coming your way via Backerkit.  The surveys will be confirming your order, address and also collecting shipping charges (which were listed on the page during the Kickstarter campaign). The sooner you can fill out the survey, the faster you'll get your books. We're hoping to initiate fulfillment directly from the printer around the second week of June and would like everyone to have their books by the end of June at the latest. Original art rewards will be sent separately and may take a tiny bit longer.

What's next for New Pain?

Several of you have asked what New Pain Pro will be launching next.  There are several projects in the pipeline but it looks like Daybreak! #2 will be the first one ready to roll. So here's your first peek at the variant cover by Kevin West and Robb Miller:

Daybreak lives! But for how long?

The current plan, barring any unforeseen delays in the fulfillment of Microscopic #1, is for Daybreak! #2 to be launched in July. If that changes, we'll be sure to let you know but we hope you'll join us for the second issue of Laura Luz's adventure of a lifetime!

That's all for now, back soon with more.

Your pal.

Keith Champagne

about 2 years ago – Thu, May 12, 2022 at 04:28:43 PM


The campaign for Microscopic #1 ended yesterday and, thanks to all of you, New Pain Pro has a real, live, honest-to-goodness comic book on their hands now! We all couldn't be more grateful for your support, both financially and in helping to spread the word. The large social media companies are absolutely RUTHLESS these days; their algorithms really strangle any promotional posts unless there are dollars involved to sweeten the deal. So literally every time one of you shared the project out, it helped substantially. 

If you've backed a Kickstarter before (and I'm guessing most of you have), you know what happens now. You wait five years, get countless excuses, and the book never comes out and we all get burned. Right?

Not exactly. New Pain is microscopically tiny, much like Tom Nguyen's genitals (so Corey King tells me), but they do things right (unlike Tom Nguyen's genitals). 

All the files are already compiled and waiting to be printed. Once Kickstarter forwards the funds in a couple of weeks, files go to the printer, you guys will get a survey from Backerkit, postage will be collected and BAM! You'll have you books approximately early June. 

At this point, there are two options for New Pain's next campaign, which should run in July. We'll let you know once the final decision is made and if you like the quality of these projects and the way New Pain does business, maybe you'll want to support that one too. Dare to dream!

And one last thing...OUR RAFFLE WINNER. 

Thank you, MICHAEL KATZ, for tirelessly sharing the project out to the masses. You are the winner of the hardcover Library Edition of Stranger Things from Dark Horse. I urge you all to check out Mike's project RIOT EARP, which is in the final week of its campaign, fully funded, and has been knocking over stretch goals like ten pins in a bowling alley. 

I do realize it seems as nepotistic as Jim Halpert winning employee of the month on The Office for Mike to win the raffle AND have his project pimped out but honest, it was completely random (and also completely deserved).

That's all for now. See you in a couple weeks with another update and THANKS AGAIN!

Keith Champagne

PS- the sentence above about Tom Nguyen's genitals is the greatest thing I've ever written in my life.

The final 24 hours!
about 2 years ago – Tue, May 10, 2022 at 01:00:26 AM


I don't have a lot to communicate this morning beyond the fact that it's THE FINAL DAY for the campaign for MICROSCOPIC #1! If you want to make some noise, please use the hashtag #microcomic so we can keep track and enter you into the raffle for the STRANGER THINGS LIBRARY EDITION hardcover from Dark Horse. Also, please use the address because it's so much shorter and easier to digest. 

Onward to victory!

None of this would even be possible without your help and support. Let's see where the final day takes us! 

Your favorite microphallus,

Keith Champagne

about 2 years ago – Mon, May 02, 2022 at 03:54:30 PM

Good morning, Micronauts! Hope we're all doing fantastic out there this Monday. 

Hard to believe we're almost upon the final seven days of the campaign for Microscopic #1! Time flies, doesn't it? This project seems to be on firm ground; barring an insane wave of last minute cancels, we seem locked in to stay above the funding goal and I (and New Pain Pro) can't thank you all enough for helping us get this far.  

Personally, I would still really like to unleash the first chapter of TOMORROW upon you so I'm going to call... a STRETCH GOAL AUDIBLE! If we can reach the 6K stretch goal OR hit 200 backers by the end of the campaign, I'm kicking that puppy out of the kennel. If Tom, Robb or the mysterious Landers get upset, I'm pretty sure I can take all three of them out at one time. Not that I'm a tough guy; they're just really, really not. Screw you and your Nguyen-Fu, Tom!

You guys can help us unlock Tomorrow by sharing the campaign out some more ( is the preferred link), if you'd be so kind; and don't forget, there's a raffle for the STRANGER THINGS LIBRARY EDITION hardcover collection as a reward for helping out. Just use the hashtag #MICROCOMIC so we can keep track of shares. It really does help and your efforts, combined with the usual uptick in activity over the final week, can make a huge  difference!

In other Kickstarter news, our pal Joe "Artist Of The Most #1 Spider-Man Issues In Comic Book History" St Pierre is down to the final 4 days of his campaign for  NEW ZODIAX AQUARIUS. You guys are likely tired of hearing it already but one more reminder that backers of both Micro and New Zodiax will receive this free print by Joe and I and Rich Stahnke:

Say it with me now: all you gotta do is comment "HOROSCOPIC" on both campaign pages so we can cross reference and this 11x17 print will come along with your Micro goods. 

That's all for now, fellas. 

Yours in microphallacy,

Keith Champagne